Create Impact full volunteer family
Altruistik Malaysia moving with 5 different centre that drive 5 different cause. We are recruiting volunteer in this term to create impactfull action and this could not be fulfill without our volunteer which we always believe they are our backbone. Here some action we need to taken group:
Call to provide medical care, food and humanitarian assistance to people
The Altruistik Malaysia Humanitarian, Disaster, & Crisis Management open the opportunity for all legally resident in Malaysia, to carry out an national/international volunteer service in Malaysia, Europe, Africa, Asia or South America affected area. Interested applicant register at

This project envisions to cultivate the culture of peace, tolerance, inclusion, & social peace building across the Malaysia and Global through peace sessions in university/colleges, interactive youth social, society stakeholders, diplomats, ambassadors, community group, religious scholars, and community based organization across the Malaysia. This campaign intends to enroll 80 State Ambassadors across the Malaysia and raise 10,000 voice in form of signatures over a petition "Terrorism & violence has nothing to do with any caste, color, creed, ethnicity, region, and religion" which will be submitted to Prime Minister of Malaysia and United Nations by 2020. The State Peace Ambassadors will be path of Global Peace Camp on organizing it.
Click to register here:
Call for (Malaysia) Environment Activist on UN SDG15
National Plants Integration goal is "to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity" and "to sustainable the planting activities by children's and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature without need of interfere on socio-economy development". Activist is to cultivate awareness for planting trees and engage local government, education institution and community to support United Nations SDGs 15; protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
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Call for State(Malaysia) Autism Spectrum Disorder SDG4 Activist
This project envisions to refocused effort to improve the quality of the education and acceptance among-st the community towards ASD. Acceptance in education along the lines of gender, urban-rural location and other dimensions still run deep, and more investments in education infrastructure are required.This campaign intends to enroll 80 State Activist across the Malaysia and raise voice in form of solidarity.
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